Narrator: Last time, on "Pokemon- The Lost Episodes"
Ash: (groggily) Ow, my head
what happened?
Misty: (smiles) Its okay. Were in the cabin.
Ash: Thats good to know. Why are we still here?
Brock: Let me tackle this one Misty.
Misty: Fine Brock.
Brock: Ash, do you remember the giant wave that was coming towards
Ash: Oh yeah, the wave of snow
Brock: When it hit the cabin it shook it like crazy, and you landed
on your head. It also covered the whole cabin with snow.
Ash: (gasps in horror) Is there a way out?
Brock: (shakes his head) No, and Im afraid thats the
least of our worries.
Ash: Huh?
Jessie: The cabin has only a limited amount of oxygen. With 7 people
inside, itll take another hour or so for the cabin to run out of air.
Ash: Well, what do we do?
Misty: We cant do anything, Ash. Were trapped. (snuggles
close to him) And Im cold.
Ash: (wraps his arms around Misty) Itll be o.k. Misty
Brock: Eww, mushy stuff
Ash & Misty: SHUT UP, BROCK!
Brock: (backs away) O.K, o.k
Ash: Misty, theres something I need to tell you.
Misty: (smiles) What is it Ash?
Ash: (thinking) How should I tell her that I love her? Maybe I
love you
? No, too used. I got it! I think Im in love with
you! Perfect! (out-loud) Misty, I think Im-
Suddenly, the floor beneath them starts to rumble. Everyone yells
the same thing-
Jessie: The cabin roof is collapsing!
Misty: Were gonna die!
Ash: NO!
The cabin roof suddenly gives way. All the snow falls through the
roof. Misty grabs onto Ash and Mary does the same with James as everything goes black (or
should I say white?).
Its many hours later. Policemen, ambulances, and fire trucks have
arrived on the scene. They search through the snow, looking for survivors.
Policeman 1: (stops digging) Hey, I found something!
Three policemen rush over to the first guy. They look and see two
hands latched on together.
Policeman 2: What should we do?
Policeman 1: Maybe we should dig
Policeman 4: Yeah, Ill get a shovel!
Policeman 3: Ill get one too!
All four policemen start digging near the hands. Suddenly,
Marys head is visible. The second policeman checks her pulse.
Policeman 2: Shes dead. Lets check out the other hand.
Policeman 1: (stops digging) Heres the second one. Its a
guy, and hes still alive.
Policeman 3: (yelling over to the ambulances) We need a stretcher
for a 20-year-old male, stat!
Ash: (closes his eyes) I remember us grabbing hands
then when
the snow shook the cabin again she flew to my right
(points to a spot over
on the ground) she must be over there!
Policeman 3: O.K. guys, lets dig!
The four policemen dig really fast, and, sure enough, Mistys
red hair is visible from above. The policemen pull her out, and she gasps for air.
Ash: (sits next to Misty) Misty, are you okay?
Misty: (starts to cry) No! (hugs Ash)
As Ash tries to comfort Misty, the cops look around on the ground.
Ash: (rubs Mistys back) Its okay
Misty: (laughs) Youve done this once before Ash
what are
we gonna do now?
Ash: (lets go of Misty) What I should have done in the first
Ash then kisses Misty on the lips. Misty is in total shock, but she
recovers and kisses back. The cops all blush a deep red.
Policeman 5: (gets out of car) Come on you guys, you need to find
the others!
Policemen 1-4: (stand at attention) Right!
The four policemen rush around, attempting to find Brock and Jessie.
Ash and Misty stop kissing and Misty starts to laugh again.
Ash: Whats so funny now?
Misty: (laughing) I always thought when the day came we would kiss,
that ID start the first kiss
Ash: (chuckles) Well thats what you get for thinking.
They both sit down at a table next to the window of the parlor.
Misty: So Ash, how are you gonna beat the Viridian City gym leader?
I hear he has ground-type pokemon. (takes a scoop of her ice cream) The only pokemon you
have that have an advantage against ground-types are Bulbasaur and Squirtle.
Ash: And whats wrong with them?
Misty: Well, Bulbasaur is still a little weak
Ash: (squints left eye at her) Weak?
Misty: (takes another scoop of ice cream) Yeah, and Squirtle
cant handle the job all by itself. I thought you might want to use one of my
Ash: (starting to get angry) For your information Misty, my pokemon
have always got the job done and they will again today!
Misty: (smiles) I know Ash. I just dont want you to lose. You
are my
friend after all.
Ash: (squints the other eye) You still have trouble saying it
dont you?
Misty: Saying what?
Ash: That Im your boyfriend.
Misty: (sighs) Ash, we still havent decided what we are yet.
Ash: I was hoping that we were a little more than friends by now
(stands up) but if we arent
(slaps some money on the table) then I
guess I should be running to the gym.
Misty: Ash, dont
Ash: (turns around) You can enjoy the rest of your meal. Ill
be at the gym winning a badge.
Ash then walks away. Misty just sits there, wondering what just
As the trio is resting, a girl runs up to Ash.
Girl: (nervous) Hi
Ash: (looks up) Huh? Who are you?
The girl standing before him is about a year older than him, with
brown hair.
Girl: Hi, Im Lily.
Ash: (shakes her hand) Hi Lily
um, may I ask why youre
Lily: I was wondering if you were single
Misty perks her head up.
Misty: (stands up) Um, no, hes not
Ash: Lily, meet my girlfriend, Misty.
Lily: (blushing) Oh, THIS is the girlfriend? (looks toward Ash) Oh
please, Im MUCH better than she is
Ash: I guess youre right
bye Misty! (grabs Lilys
hand and starts to walk away)
Misty: (really, really, really angry) WHAT?!?!?!?
After taking a few more steps forward, Lily and Ash stop walking and
break out in laughter. Ash runs over to Misty.
Ash: (still laughing) Im sorry Misty
I couldnt
help myself!
Lily: Dont worry Misty, Im one of his old friends. We
were just playing an old trick we agreed wed play on his first girlfriend when he
was 5.
Misty: (cooling down) Oh really? (looks at Ash and points her
finger) You are SO lucky Im in a good mood
(grabs him)
or Id have
to kill you.
Misty and Ash then share a kiss. Brock groans behind them.
Ash: (sadly) When Amber and Jane win theyre 8th
badge, I have to leave you guys.
Misty and Brock both gasp in shock. Misty is the first to speak.
Misty: (still in shock) What do you mean Ash? I thought we were
gonna stay together forever
As if by magical cue, "Together Forever" starts to play in
the background.
Singer: Youve been such a good friend; Ive known you
since I dont know when
Ash: We made a pact that wed go to the Indigo Plateau together
to battle for the title of Pokemon Master.
Lily: I didnt even remember that Ash
Misty: (tears building up) But Ash
Ash: (sniffles) I know Misty
I cant break a
Misty: (angry and sad) What about our promise? That wed stay
together forever and ever Ash? I thought you loved me!
Misty then breaks into tears and runs away from the group. Ash goes
chasing after her, followed by Lily and Brock.
Misty: So, youre gonna leave?
Ash: Only until I win at the league, which wont take too
Misty: (sweatdrop) So, you really think youre gonna win?
Ash: Quickly and easily, (grabs Mistys hand) so I can get back
to you.
Misty blushes and gives Ash a kiss. Now its Ashs turn to
Misty: Well, I cant hold you back Ash
but Im gonna
miss you
a lot.
Ash: Dont worry. Once I win at the league, Ill find you.
Misty: (narrows eyes) Well, that wont be too hard
Ash: Oh
hehe, sorry about that
Misty: Its okay Ashy
I just wish I could come with you
and youre friends
Ash: Just as long as you watch me win at the league
Ill be happy.
Misty: Im sure theyll let me get a TV in here.
Ash smiles. He then lets go of Mistys hand and stands up, and
walks toward the door.
Misty: Where are you going Ash?
Ash: (turns around) Im gonna find Lily, Amber and Jane and get
ready to leave. Ill be back to say goodbye.
Misty then nods. Ash walks out of the room, and shuts the door
behind him.
Narrator: And now
Ash Introducing Title: Looking Back!
Ash is currently battling another trainer, with his new traveling
companions, Amber, Jane and Lily watching.
Ash: (throws out a pokeball) Go Bulbasaur!
Trainer: (throws his pokeball) Go Graveler!
The two trainers release theyre pokemon. Ash growls.
Ash: This should be easy. Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf!
Bulbasaur launches a wave of leaves at Graveler. The leaves just
bounce off of it.
Trainer: Ha! You think that can beat my Graveler? Graveler, Rock
Throw now!
Graveler jumps up in the air and lands on Bulbasaur, sending it
flying. Bulbasaur lands with a splat, and Ash runs up to it.
Ash: (grabs Bulbasaur) Bulbasaur, are you okay?
Bulbasaur: (weakly) Bulba
Ash: All right then. (grabs Bulbasaurs pokeball) Bulbasaur,
Bulbasaur is returned into its pokeball. Ash grabs another one.
Ash: Squirtle, go!
Ash throws out Squirtles pokeball. Squirtle comes out, ready
to battle.
Trainer: I have to beat up on this weakling now? All right then
Graveler, use your Hyper Beam!
Ash: (shocked) Hyper Beam?
Pikachu: Pika?!? {What?!?}
Graveler places both of its hands together and builds up energy. Ash
Amber: Ash, youve gotta do something! Hyper Beamll kill
Jane: Yeah, switch to Pikachu!
Ash: Not so fast. Squirtle, quick, run behind Graveler and use Water
Squirtle nods. Before Graveler can fire off the beam, Squirtle runs
behind Graveler. It then launches off its Water Gun, causing the energy Graveler
built up to explode, and Graveler to be sent flying to the ground.
Trainer: No! (growls) Graveler, return! (returns Graveler) Good job.
Ash: (returns hat to normal position) Thanks. You did a good job.
Squirtle: Squirt squirt! {I did too!}
Ash: (laughs) I know Squirtle. (grabs its pokeball) Return!
The beam of red energy went to Squirtle and sucked it back inside
the pokeball.
Trainer: (waves goodbye) Good luck to you!
Ash: To you too friend!
The other trainer then walks away. Ash jumps for joy.
Ash: I won! All right!
Amber: Good job Ash!
Jane: Yeah, good job!
Narrator: So it looks like Ash is happy. But what about Misty
how is she holding up? Find out what happens for Misty in "Stuck With Brock",
and be sure to come back here soon!