Animé Palace
MIDI Archives

Here's a collection of MIDI files that
go along with the music from most of the anime series I have showcased
here at The Anime Palace. The files, unless noted otherwise, were
all transcribed from the original recorded versions by me
(animefan25). To answer all questions as to what I used to compose
the MIDIs, I used Cakewalk's Home Studio software.....which is very easy
to use IMO, and good for those of you who wish to take a stab at making
music with your PC.
Download these files at your own
risk. They should work on just about any soundcard with a General MIDI synthesizer,
however, when noted you should switch to GM mode, as some of these were sequenced using GM
(General MIDI) guidelines/sounds. Play the GM files through a wavetable, and they
may not sound correct. I will eventually get time to make doubles of these files,
one for GM folks, and one for wavetable folks. Until then, bear with me.
To download, right click on the link
and choose "Save Target As" (IE) or "Save Link As" (Netscape).
To hear these files right here without
saving, you're going to need a MIDI Plug-in that can play streaming audio. Two good
players are Crescendo Live Update (Netscape or IE), or Windows Media Player (IE 5).
Once you have either/or of the applications above, just left click on the file name, wait
for it to finish downloading, then it should begin playing.
If you want to use any of these files
on your webpage/site, please Ask Me
first. It takes me a while to sequence these files and the last thing I need is for
someone to claim it's their file when I sequenced it. If that happens, I won't be
too happy about it. Also be sure that a link to my site is somewhere on your site to
let others know where you got the file(s) from.
MIDI file with an * (asterisk)
after it's title means that it was sequenced by someone other than
me. Out of respect for their hard work in sequencing these files, do
NOT alter or edit them in any way, and whenever applicable, go and visit
their pages, as that is where I got the files from.

Pokémon MIDI Files

"Pokemon Theme" (English theme / Show edit)
"Pokemon Theme" (English theme / Karaoke
remix of edit)
"Pokemon Theme" (Full "2BA
Master" version)
"Pokemon Get Daze" (Japanese theme /
Version 1)
"Pokemon Get Daze" (Japanese theme /
Version 2 with different bass and keyboard sound to it)
"Team Rocket Intro" (Music played
during TR's motto)
"The Song of Jigglypuff" (Version 1)
"The Song of Jigglypuff" (Version
2, closer to what you hear in the TV series)
"The Time Has Come" ("Pikachu's
Goodbye" version)
"The Time Has Come" (CD
"extended" version)

Monster Rancher MIDI files

"Monster Rancher Theme" (English
(Play this thru SB Live really rocks!)
"Monster Rancher
Theme - Version 2"
(different bass riff in this one, plus added strings giving
it more texture. Closer to the TV series??)
"Monster Rancher
Closing Credit roll/Mid-episode Song"
(This file serves 2
versions; the Mid-ep song, and instrumental for the closing. I felt because the
Mid-ep song's words are spoken, it wasn't worth making 2 files for both
versions, and they were the same length anyways.)

Digimon MIDI files

"Digimon Theme"
(English Version)
(Version for those with General MIDI)
"Digimon Theme"
(English Version)
(Remix for those with SoundBlaster LIVE! Value)
"Digimon Theme (End)" (End
credits roll on VHS/DVD)
(Version for those with General MIDI)
"Digimon Theme (End)" (End credits roll on VHS/DVD)
(Remix for those with SoundBlaster LIVE! Value)
"Hey Digimon" (The Ultimate
Digivolution Music)
"Hey Digimon"
(Longer TV version, and remixed)
"Hey Digimon"
(an even LONGER version, this one from the CD. Remixed and added
tracks for more texture.)
"Run Around"
(Digi-battle song #1)
(Coming Soon!)

Pizza Cats/KNT MIDI files

"SPC (Samurai
Pizza Cats) Theme"
(The SPC theme heard in the USA, Canada, and worldwide.)
(NOTE: This is NOT the same file you hear on other SPC
pages. This is my OWN rendition of the song, done from
scratch. I tried hard to get it to sound more like what you would
have heard on the TV series, even throwing in all the sound FX.
Give it a listen.)
"KNT (Kyattou
Ninden Teyandee) Theme" *
(Japan's SPC opening, originally sequenced by 'HeroBoy')
"To Be Yourself" - "KNT
Closing Theme" *
(Japan's SPC closing, originally sequenced by 'HeroBoy')
Sisters Song - version 1"
(Version 1 - The longer version w/ second verse. I split the
percussion and bass, giving it that sound of an 'oldies' type song)
Sisters Song - version 2"
(Version 2 - The shorter version, heard more often. I
decided to use a 'monaural' sound by
keeping the bass/percussion/piano/synth tracks in the center mix and
leaving the vocal tracks alone)
"Lovely Mipple"
(Single) *
(Japanese "Pointless Sisters" song, unknown sequencer.
(Note: If you compare the melody and chord
progression of the 'Lovely Mipple' file with my Pointless Sisters files,
you'll notice overlapping bits and pieces.
The English version is just a re-arrangement of this.....the original
Japanese version.)