
Here is some info on
the Digi-Destined of the first Digimon series.
Name: Taichi "Tai"
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Agumon
Crest: Courage
is the leader of the group. The adventurous type, he likes to jump into things often
without thinking through the situation first. This has gotten the kids (and himself
in one case) into major trouble. He was, however, able to see what he'd done wrong.
Now he gets help from the others to overcome whatever might be in their way, and he
thinks through major situations more often now before deciding on what to do.
Digimon, Agumon, is not much different. They share a lot of the same traits.

Sora Takenouchi
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Biyomon
Crest: Love
is the mature one of the group, and takes on the duty to make sure the
group is safe. She's often perceived
as a tomboy, since she is an adventurous type, but due to her keeping
a close eye on the others, she's not able to break away and go out
exploring. Her caring nature sort of makes her the
"older sister" figure in the group. perceived
as a tomboy, since she is an adventurous type, but due to her keeping
a close eye on the others, she's not able to break away and go out
exploring. Her caring nature sort of makes her the
"older sister" figure in the group.
Digimon, Biyomon, and herself treat each other like sisters, in the
sense that they always watch out for each other. Biyomon had
even come through for Sora when she least expected. (see ep "Sora's
Crest of Love" for a great example of this.)
are rumors going all over the place in the Digimon 'net-community that tell us that she
has deep feelings for Tai. This rumor has been made into truth
thanks to the Digimon movie.

Name: Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi
Age: 10
Grade: 4th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Tentomon
Crest: Knowledge
is the computer whiz of the group. He enjoys working with things that puzzle him
more than with people (e.g. always doing SOMETHING on his laptop in many
ep's). This
didnt help much in one case where Mimi got all upset because of his ignoring her...instead
paying more attention to the puzzle they ran into. Aside from that, Izzy has helped
the group get out of some tough situations, and has helped them understand the link
between the real world and the Digi-world.
Digimon, Tentamon, admires Izzy's knowledge and curiosity. They get along really
well (they've never really fought at all).
also carries a deep secret (that we all know already). His actual parents were
killed in an accident, and he ended up being adopted by relatives. In the ep
"The Eight Digivice", we find that they care just as much about Izzy as his real
parents did.

Name: Joe Kido
Age: 12
Grade: 6th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Gomamon
Crest: Reliability
is the curious and cautious one of the Digi-destined. He worries about everything
the others get into, or decide upon for a plan of action. He'd much rather be
home, doing his homework or studying, since he worries a lot about missing too much school
while in the Digi-world. However, when he wants to be, or when the time calls for
it, Joe can be brave. (watch ep's 7, 11, 23 to see what I mean).
and his Digimon, Gomamon, are probably the farthest apart when it comes to traits.
Joe's more the serious type, Gomamon likes having fun.

Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Gabumon
Crest: Friendship
is the rebel....the "cool" one of the group. Not fond of
figures, this usually gets him and Tai into heated arguments over Tai's plans for the
group. He also likes to break from the others at times to just be alone. He's
seen outside as a tough, unapproachable person, but deep within, he really does care about
the well being of his friends, and especially that of his younger brother,
T.K. He
cared so much that one time (in the ep "Subzero Ice Punch") he went out and
braved a major blizzard, trying to find him.....and nearly froze to death. He's one
of the toughest to understand in the entire 54 ep run, and is also one of the most popular
of the Digi-destined (according to many fans)
lives with his dad. His family used to live together until his parents split up.

Name: Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
Age: 8
Grade: 2nd
School: Kawada Elementary
Digimon: Patamon
Crest: Hope
TK is
Matt's younger brother, and one of the youngest of the Digi-destined. Very
overlooked by the others (and most Digi-fans) most of the time, he is percieved as a
"cry-baby". He looks up to Matt, and wants to be just like him.
Matt, on the other hand, makes it seem like TK is more of a pain than a brother, but deep
down, he's the opposite of that.
Digimon is Patamon. Whenever Matt isn't around, Patamon is there to watch over
There were a couple of instances where they split up (mostly because they can both
act a bit childish once and a while), but in the end, they end up together again.
lives with his mom. His brother Matt, and his dad used to all be together until his
parents split.

Name: Mimi Tachikawa
Age: 10
Grade: 4th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Palmon
Crest: Sincerity
is a total opposite of Sora. She's seen very much as being
"self-centered", spoiled, and she complains a LOT while in the
Digiworld...whether it be walking for a long time (5 minutes to her is a long time), or
getting her clothes dirty. Despite all this, she can turn out to be a sweet and
caring peron within. Her favorite color is obviously pink, and the huge hat she
wears nearly covers the whole scene up sometimes.
Digimon, Palmon, and herself teach each other about their own worlds quite often.
She also keeps an eye out for Mimi if trouble comes around.

Name: Hikari "Kari" Kamiya
Age: 8
Grade: 2nd
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Gatomon
Crest: Light
is the 8th Digi-destined child that the networks bragged on about for a good month before
it was revealed. She has a sweet personality, cares about her brother Tai, and she
tries her hardest to stay strong even when things look bad.
was originally supposed to go to camp with her brother (Tai). She ended up staying
home though because she was sick. Her Digimon, Gatomon, was looking for her the
entire time, but was picked up by Myotismon and made Gatomon his servant. Once
Wizardmon bought Gatomon to Kari, however, she realized who she was really supposed to be