Power of One - Synopsis:
The feature presentation
was subtitled "The Power of One" and focuses on an ancient legend,
which I have below.
Not disturb the harmony,
of Fire, Ice or Lightning.
Lest' these Titans wreak destruction, upon the world in which they clash.
Though the Water's
great Guardian, shall arise to quell the fighting.
Alone, his song will fail, and so the world shall turn to Ash.
That's the feature in a
nutshell, but I'll expand on this a bit more.
The nasty Pokemon
collector, Lawrence III, is devising a plot to catch the 3 legendary birds (Moltres,
Zapdos, & Articuno) that are mentioned in the legend, and keep them for
his collection. This will also release the legendary Lugia, which he
also wants to add to his collection.
However, the legend states
that if even ONE of these birds is captured, the world will go out of balance
and into certain doom.
He manages to catch
Moltres at the start of the feature, and this starts causing weird things to
occur. The weather patterns go haywire, the seas get rough, and Pokemon
all over the world go nuts, as they are more in-tune with nature than humans
are.....meaning they can sense bad weather before humans can...for
example. Anyways, if Lawrence catches all 3 birds, he will awaken Lugia,
the ultimate Pokemon, from his underwater sleep.
In the next segment, we
meet up with Ash and his friends, as they're still traveling through the
Orange Islands. They are to travel to the next island, but a storm
(caused from the whacked out weather) throws their boat into a different
direction. They end up instead, on an exotic island, where the
inhabitants declare Ash as the 'Chosen One' who had been sent to save the
world from total destruction. Ash also runs into a girl named Melody,
who will prove crucial later in the movie....otherwise throughout most of the
flick, she's jealous of Misty and assumes right away that Misty is Ash's
Ash's mom back at home,
find out about Ash, and gets all worried about him. Her, along with
Prof. Oak, go out to search for Ash.
Meanwhile, Lawrence finds
and succeeds catching Zapdos........and Ash, along with his friends.
Lawrence isn't too happy about this, but decides he'll worry about them at
another time, after he catches Articuno....and ultimately....Lugia.
However, Ash and the others are able to free Zapdos and Moltres from their
cages after a few tries, and they fly out. Then Ash & his friends
escape just before the fighting between Moltres and Zapdos causes Lawrence's
flying fortress to come down to the ground.
Now, with Lawrence out of
the way, Ash looks up in the sky, and sees that Articuno has escaped from his
respective island, and now all 3 Legendary Birds are at it in an all-out brawl
to the death, and the destruction of the world. When all hope seems to
be lost....
...LUGIA awakens!!...
Now its a 4-way battle
between the birds. Lugia, however, can't take too much. Despite
his 'song' echoing throughout, it doesn't phase the Birds one bit, and he soon
falls under, falling back down into the water unconscious.
Now it definitely
seems like the end, until a Slowking approaches Ash and tells him about 3
orbs, that must be placed in their respective slots at the top of an ancient
temple. This will re-align the Legendary
Birds with their correct islands, and restore calm to the world. There's
one little problem though.....Ash has to FIND these orbs himself and restore everything
back to normal. The legend states.
his Song will fail.....thus the World shall turn to Ash.
It's referring to
Ash....the 'Chosen One'.
With that, Ash sets out
to find these 3 orbs, with the 3 birds attacking the entire time. Ash
finds the Fire and Thunder orbs with not much trouble, but the Ice one is set
waaaaaaay out in the distance across a huge snow field. He tries to get
there himself, but the birds keep swooping down and attacking him.
..."surprise"... TEAM ROCKET! For once in their lives as
Pokemon Theives, they turn the tables around and help Ash out this time.
They get him to the Ice orb just in time, then just as they're heading back
towards the main Temple, an attack by the 3 birds sends them barreling into
the snow.
Thankfully, Lugia is
restored, due to Melody stepping in to play a legendary song. (On the
Pkmn 2K soundtrack it's called "The Legend Comes To Life"). He
comes down to Ash and decides to help him get back to the temple to finish his
With Ash on Lugia's
back, they fly through the sky, the 3 Legendary Birds close behind, attacking fiercely,
and Lugia dodging attacks. They finally make it to the Temple, where Ash
goes up to top and places the 3 orbs in their corresponding slots. Then
Melody, stands in the center of the island they're on and begins playing the
Legendary song again. With the orbs in place, this sends a signal to the
3 Birds, letting them know their correct places. They then fly back to
their correct homes, and the world's destruction is restored to its original
Ash's mom and Prof. Oak
finally meet up with Ash. Misty and Melody resolve their conflicts, and
all is well with the world of Pokemon once again.