Welcome to the scrap
book of Pizza Cats images.
I've collected these
images from several SPC/KNT related sites on the 'net. Some of these
I got from 'Pzario's Pizza Cats Logbook", a site I once had in my
Links page, and it was one of the best SPC/KNT related sites...not to
mention one of the oldest. Sadly, it is no longer open (it was a heckuva nice site
too), making any images that I was able to grab from there before it
shuttered, quite rare.
The images are in
thumb nailed view to cut down on page load times.
To Download Images:
Click on the pic you want to download. Let it load all the way, then
choose "File/Save As" (both IE 4/5 and Netscape). Rename the pic and save
it someplace you'll remember for later.

| Polly
| Guido | Francine
| Villains
| Group | Other
Pics | Logos
advertising Poster. This was sent out to TV networks to get the word out
about Saban's (then) new series.
B: The
Pizza Cats in front of their Christmas Tree (from the "Cheese who Stole
Chirstmas" episode, which was not shown in the USA)
C: The
City of Little Tokyo (Edoropolis)
D: Pizza
Cat Pizzeria. The launch that the Cats fly out of is at the top.
The neon script on the arched pylon sign reads 'Welcome ~ Pizza ~ Cats'
E: Little
Tokyo Mall (although to me, it looks nothing like a mall)
F: The
Cats' ultimate weapon.....The Supreme Catatonic
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The 'official' KNT logo.

The SPC logo, version
1. This version is the one seen most often on the 'net, as it is more or
less the 'official' logo for the US/Canadian version of 'Pizza Cats'

The SPC logo, version
2. It looks the same as the above version, but I changed the colors on
most of the letters to give it more of the 'original' look it had.

The SPC logo Saban used
when packaging the show, and it's the 'official' logo of the UK, and other
parts of the world.
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