Just when you thought
01 and 02 were all there was to Digimon? When saving the Digiworld
twice would rid of all evil?
....It's Not Over
Tamers" is an ENTIRELY new Digimon series that premieres in Japan this
April. It will be totally different from the previous 2
It takes place right
here on Earth. (yes, the world you and I live on Digi-fans), and focuses on
3 young kids who are fans of....what else....Digimon!!. Let's have a
look at who the new Digi-destined group will be the 3rd time around.
(Warning: Below are
MAJOR SPOILERS!! If you wish not to see anything more on this page,
Hit that BACK button on your browser NOW!!. You have been

The New Cast:
These are the new
Chosen Ones, and their Digimon
(Pics are in thumbnails, so click them if you want a larger version)

Takato is the new leader and the
new goggle boy. He's 10 years old and from Japan. His Digimon partner is
Takato isn't that much
like the previous goggle boys, but he's a true friend. Takato is an artist
and loves to draw.
Takato's digimon partner is
Gillmon. Gillmon was created when Takato drew a picture of Gillmon.
Level: Rookie
Type: Virus
(Note: First
Digidestined to have a Virus type Digimon for a partner)

He seems to be a lot like Matt and/or Willis. Not much is known about
him. His digimon partner is Terriermon.
Lee is also 10 years
old. Lee's mother is Japanese and his father is Chinese
Lee's digimon partner is Terriermon. Remember him?
He's the same digimon partner Willis had!
Level: Rookie
Type: Data

Ruki is un-like any female
digidestined before her. She has an attitude and enjoys fighting. She thinks
of Digimon more as a tool for fighting than as real creatures. Her digimon
partner is Renamon.