Digimon 02)

they are. The new kids chosen to be the Digi-Destined who travel to
the Digiworld to save it once again from new of them
being a Digi-Destined as well.
To see
what has happened to the old Digi-Destined, go to the respective page in
the "Zero-Two" section of Digimon
Name: Daisuke
"Davis" Motomiya
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
Digimon: Veemon
Crests: Courage / Friendship
is your leader of the new Digi-Destined, despite many peoples'
opinions. Davis believes he is the leader because Tai, who also
considered himself the leader of the old Digi-Destined, gave Davis his
old goggles. He can get aggressive........jumping into situations
too quickly sometimes, and he can lose his cool once and a
Davis likes Kari as much as TK fact, Kari knows this well,
and takes advantage of her and TK's friendship to make Davis
jealous. He also tends to call TK by the wrong name a lot.
(TA, TJ, etc)
Digimon is Veemon (or V-mon, whichever you prefer), whom he met when he
aquired the Digi-Egg of Courage in the first episode. Like Davis,
he is energetic Digimon who's always ready to battle when the situation
calls for it.

Name: Miyako
"Yolei" Inoue
Age: 12
Grade: 6th
Digimon: Hawkmon
Crests: Love / Sincerity
Yolei acts a LOT
like Mimi did in Digimon 01 in the earlier eps of 02. The first
minute trouble arises in her first trip to the Digiworld, she wants to
go home. She also quotes on her clothes as being 'cool' in the
second ep......unfortunately I BEG to differ. (ducks from various
spoiled fruits and veggies being hurled @ him).....OK, OK!! They're not
THAT bad looking. Look at the pic to the right and make your own
judgement. ^_^
for personality, like I said above, she can be whiny, and doesn't quite
catch on when it comes to guys. She almost acted like Davis in one
ep, being pushy and wanting the Digimon Kaizer defeated. That
attempt ended up with her Digimon getting hurt.
Digimon, by the way, is Hawkmon, a bird with a British accent, which I
happen to like.

Name: Iori
"Cody" Hida
Age: 9
Grade: 3rd
Digimon: Armadillomon
Crests: Knowledge / Reliability
is the youngest of the new kids....he's only 9. He lives with his
mother and 'prune-juice drinking' grandfather. His father died
while on duty (I assume police officer). Thus, Cody is typically
soft-spoken, hence his voice, and doesn't say anything when nothing
needs to be said. He also tends to get cut down by Davis whenever
he jumps in with a solution to a problem that might work. (Shame
on you Davis)
the kendo stick in the opening title sequence? Cody also trains in
the Japanese sword fighting skill of 'kendo' under his grandfather's
watchful eye. (I know absolutely NOTHING about kendo except what I
stated above, so you may want to surf a few sites on Japanese history
and culture.)
Digimon partner is Armadillomon. Since armadillos mainly come from
the South U.S.A. (e.g.: Texas), its only fitting that he has the
Southern accent to go with it, although some fans find it
annoying....which I don't.

Name: Hikari "Kari" Kamiya
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
Digimon: Gatomon
Crest: Light
An older, wiser Kari
than who we were introduced to in the 8th Child arc of Season 01.
She no longer suffers from constant sickness like in the past. The
thing around her neck is a digital camera....she's into photography in
She and TK
are still good friends in the second season, and this tends to drive
Davis up the wall, as he has a thing for Kari. Seeing this, Kari
likes to play jokes on him or pretend to like TK more to tee Davis
off. Not quite the sweet and caring Kari you used to know, now is
still has Gatomon with her. However, Gatomon is a bit weaker than
last season, because she lost her tail ring, which is what made her more

Name: Takeru "T.K." Takaishi
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
Digimon: Patamon
Crest: Hope
isn't the little shrimp you remember from Season 01 anymore. No
way...he's shot up like a weed in 4 years. He is very popular and
is the star basketball player on his school's team.
and his mom moved into the same apartment complex that Yolei and Cody
live in, meaning he is closer to the other half of his family (Matt and
his father), thus he is able to see Matt more often.
usually tends to make the smarter decisions as to what the Digi-destined
will do next, ruling out Davis's suggestions more often than not.
Again, this gets Davis teed off sometimes, and starts rattling off about
him being leader and should make all the decisions.
is still his Digimon, by the way.

Name: Ken

aka: "Digimon Kaizer (Emperor)"
Age: 11
Grade: 5th
Digimon: Wormmon
Crest: Kindness
is the first major enemy the Digi-destined have to face. So you
wonder why I included him in the Digi-destined profiles? It's
because he IS a Digi-destined......just not when we first see him.
He had a horrible past (see "Crest of Friendship" and "
" eps to learn about his past), and a Dark Digivice which led him
to becoming the Digimon Kaizer (the dub says "Emperor", but
"Kaizer" sounds cooler so I'll call him by that). He is
one of the smartest kids in school (probably smarter than Izzy)
plot is to take over the Digiworld and make
all Digimon obey him, by use of Dark Rings, Spirals, and Control
Spires. Of course, each attempt fails, until he gets fed up and creates his
ultimate Digi-weapon.....Kimeramon. It takes 3 eps and Wormmon's
last bit of power to have Davis's Digmon defeat the Kaizer for
good. This reverts Ken back to his old self once he realizes what
he had done wrong. Wormmon, however, bites the dust.
above, his Digimon is Wormmon, whom he treated pretty badly while in his
Kaizer form throughout the arc. He ultimately 'dies' * at least
once. However, once Ken re-discovers his true self, Wormmon is
'reborn' in Primary Village.
note: Digimon don't really 'die'.....they are reconfigured and 're-born'
in Primary Village. In the case of Wizardmon though, he is legally
'dead' because he bit the dust in the real world in the first Season)

Wallace "Willis"
Age: ???
Grade: ???
Digimon: 2 of them,
Terriermon & Kokomon
Crest: ???
(Willis in the dub) is a Digi-destined from Colorado, USA.
plays a major role in the 3rd part of the Digimon Movie. He's
responsible for creating Diaboramon, the virus Digimon that attacked the
Internet in the second part of the movie.
has a pair of Digimon, Terriermon and Kokomon. However, Kokomon was
taken over by a virus and he mutated. He ended up being destroyed.
first, Wallace isn't very open about what he'd done, but once Davis
convinces him, he starts talking. They've since become good
friends. He is also friends with Izzy (via E-mail, since Izzy's in

Age: ???
Grade: ???
Digimon: ???
Crest: ???
much is known about Michael, except that he is one of Mimi's friends from
America....where Mimi lives in Digi 02. He usually goes with Mimi
back to Japan when she goes to visit her old friends.