The Beginning of Pokémon

The story begins with 10-year-old Ash
Ketchum of Pallet Town who was determined to become the world's greatest Pokémon
trainer. Unfortunately, his first day wasn't what you'd call
"excellent". First off, he ended up getting to Porfessor Oak's place late
because he overslept. There, he met his future rival, Gary Oak, who ended up getting
one of the Pokemon that Ash hoped to have picked. Ash finally meets Prof. Oak and
goes to pick one of 3 Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle), only to find that they
were already taken. However, Ash was given a Pikachu, an electric mouse type
Pokémon, as his first one. Professor Oak also provided Ash with a Pokéball in
which to put Pikachu in and a Pokédex, a small computer that provided information
that is important to Pokémon trainers. At first, Pikachu disliked his new trainer
and disliked going into the Pokéball.

Anyways, Ash, along with Pikachu, began his journey to
become a Master Trainer. Along the way, they met Misty, a whiny girl who joined Ash
and Pikachu. As their journey progressed, Ash manages to capture some
Pokémon. In Pewter City, Brock, a talented Pokémon trainer, joined Ash, Misty and
Pikachu. From there, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu set out for their exciting
adventure ahead.

Pokemon can ONLY be
seen on Kids WB weekdays Mon.- Thur @ 4 and 4:30 PM and Saturdays @ 7:30
AM (all times Central). Go to,
or check your local listings for time and channel in your local newspaper's TV guide (if
they have one).
You can also try to
find Pokemon on VHS videotapes. Put out by Viz Video and Pioneer Entertainment, they
can be found almost everywhere. To find out where you could find them, and what has
been released, Click on the "Video List" link to the left under
I have also put
together a complete Pokemon episode list for you. Click on the "Episodes
List" link below the "Pokemon" category to get there.